Your Mindset Matters

The topic of mindset is one I did not understand or believe mattered.  I am naturally a very positive but realistic person.  I had used some visualization and mindset techniques with sports in the past, but I didn’t realize the wrong mindset could have such a limiting effect on people until about a year ago.

Over the last two years, I have had major surgery and a second operation due to a health scare.  I also walked through a stressful job situation.  My self-esteem was low, and I packed on the pounds along with the emotional baggage.  Looking back, I can see I lost hope and felt defeated.  My growth mindset was gone, and I went into “robot mode,” where I did what I could to make it through the day.  Maybe you can relate?

I had an opportunity at work to engage with a coach and work through a study on growth.  This study showed me my mindset needed a significant shift.   I decided to immerse myself in learning how the brain works and understanding the keys to a growth mindset through becoming a coach.  I want to share what I learned from my research, and maybe it will help you or allow you to share some of this with someone in your life who needs a change in mindset.

  • The current situation does not define your self-worth.  You are not your job title
  • Identifying and cultivating your purpose will help reframe your thoughts.  Your thoughts determine your actions and actions lead to results
  • The small task of writing three items you are thankful for every day is proven to give people a more positive outlook on life.  Grab a journal and leave it by your bed to start this habit.
  • When you fail at something, it is a learning point, not a failure
  • Curiosity grows your mind.  Fully engage yourself in learning more about where you want to go or next steps in your life
  • Moving your body every day is vital not only to your health but also your mindset. Try for at least 30 minutes a day even if it is just walking outside
  • Find small wins and count them.  A win can be as simple as I drank enough water today or I sent an email I needed to send

Remember, a growth attitude will always give you an advantage over others.  Believe in you.  After all, you cannot accomplish anything you have not already accomplished between your two ears. 

I am cheering you on! Let me know how I can help you.
